West Dunbartonshire ADP strategy

West Dunbartonshire are embarking on a programme of community engagement to work with service users and the wider community to inform their action plans to reduce the use of and harm from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

“Our national strategies make a strong commitment to working with people to develop our approaches to reduce the use of and harm from alcohol and drugs :

The new ADP Partnership Delivery Framework also emphasises the importance of involving people affected by alcohol and drugs in the planning, development and delivery of services to deliver shared outcomes.  In addition, ADP Ministerial Priority 1 requires that ADPs ensure mechanisms are in place for people with lived and living experience of addiction/recovery and of participating in services to be involved in delivering, planning and developing services

Therefore, in West Dunbartonshire we are embarking on a programme of community engagement to work with service users and the wider community to inform our action plans to reduce the use of and harm from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.  We already know the scale of the issue and what the evidence suggests will make a difference but only local people and service users will know how activity can be planned to have maximum impact.

To demonstrate our commitment we are launching our engagement activity to coincide with Co-production Week Scotland 2019 with an interactive workshop with service users at Ashton View on Friday 22nd November.  This will kick off a 3 month dialogue with local people and community groups.  All the information gathered will inform the development of action plans as part of the Community Planning West Dunbartonshire Substance Use Prevention Strategy and Alcohol and Drug Partnership Strategy.”

For more contact Jo Winterbottom, Health Improvement Lead at West Dunbartonshire HSCP.
