Welcome to #CoProWeekScot 2019!

We’re absolutely delighted to be kicking off the 4th #CoProWeekScot and bringing together so many people to share ideas and practice about co-production in Scotland today.

As you’ll know, this year we’re asking the Big Questions for Co-production and trying to get stuck in to what makes co-production such a a transformative way of working - and why it’s not always so easy.

Get involved

Network members are at the heart of the Co-pro Week Scotland and we want to hear from you about your Big Questions for Co-production. We’ve received loads of questions already and we’ll be sharing them with you daily on our Twitter account

But there’s still time to submit your questions. We’ll be sharing them as they come in and, after the week, bringing them all together and using them to help us identify the next steps for the network.

Submit your questions

Monday 18th November - what’s happening

Learning event: Your Big Questions
We’re delighted to be welcoming network members along to this event to talk about some of the Big Questions they’ve been grappling with. 

This will be a chance for attendees to share what’s on their mind about co-production, networking and hear from the learning and experiences of others.

We’ll be tweeting throughout the day using #CoProWeekScot.

Blog from Jenny Ferguson at STAF: Project Return... We have lift off!
Jenny shares the launch of the Project Return steering group. The steering group is made up of young people with experience of the care or justice systems aged 16+ and their workers. Together they will be the driving force behind Project Return, which has been  created to explore how safe nurturing environments and healthy relationships can resolve trauma. 

Read the blog here.

West Dunbartonshire ADP strategy 

Beginning on Co-pro Week, West Dunbartonshire Health and Social Care Partnership are embarking on a programme of community engagement to work with service users and the wider community to inform their action plans to reduce the use of and harm from alcohol, tobacco and other drugs.

Read more here

ALLIANCE Live: Co-production in the community – working it out together

Live presentation and Q&A with Hilda Campbell from Cope Scotland on what happens when you involve the experts in the room who haven't been asked before.

Today, 10:30 - 11:00. More information and sign up here.

Listen: SCDC Comms Manager Sam Jordan previews the week on the Alliance Live podcast 

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