This innovative project brought people living with a neurological condition into the heart of a new network, working together with the care and health professionals who support them to live at home.
Read MoreIn this blog for Co-production Week Scotland, Helen Berry discusses her research at the Binks Hub which explores research co-production and in particular, how different people and organisations come to value co-production and co-producing of research.
Read MoreThe article explores two case studies of co-production in Scotland and Australia and introduces the concept of the ‘5Ws’ of co-production: a framework of Who, When, What, Why ,and Where.
Read MoreThe article explores two case studies of how co-production of health services with those with relevant lived experience is intrinsically important to establishing a robust trauma-informed approach to primary healthcare.
Read MoreThe article is titled: Adopting, implementing and assimilating coproduced health and social care innovations involving structurally vulnerable populations: findings from a longitudinal, multiple case study design in Canada, Scotland and Sweden.
Read MoreDeveloped with the With Us, For Us Lived Experience Project Group (LPEG), this comprehensive set of resources from the Scottish Recovery Network provided an opportunity for people living with trauma and/or who have been given a diagnosis of personality disorder to share their experiences of services and their ideas for change in a suite of co-produced resources.
Read MoreHealth CASCADE is a Europe-wide research project that focuses on co-creation and is tasked with developing a set of guidelines and tools, grounded in evidence, to help researchers work with individuals and communities to improve health and wellbeing.
Read MoreThis catalogue of co-production has been created as part of Nesta’s People Powered Health programme which ran from 2011-13. People Powered Health was a practical innovation programme, to explore how co-production can support people living with long term conditions.
Read MoreVoices of Experience (Vox) Scotland launched a co-production resource during Co-production Week Scotland in 2022 which supports mental health professionals and service providers to implement co-productive practice.
Read MoreCommissioned by the Scottish Human Rights Commission, this research explores different approaches to paying people with lived experience of human rights issues for their time and expertise.
Read MoreThe article is titled: Framework, principles and recommendations for utilising participatory methodologies in the co-creation and evaluation of public health interventions and published in Research Involvement and Engagement.
Read MoreThis report explores what the experiences of 15 co-producers from the Co-Production Collective community can tell us about co-production. Coming from different backgrounds and perspectives, their individual stories come together to provide insights about the value of co-production in practice.
Read MoreThis toolkit was produced as part of the Northern Ireland Embedding Wellbeing in Local Government Programme which ran from 2017 to 2021.
Read MoreA new research article explores the role of co-production in the context of three local hospitals.
Read MoreHow people with lived experience and people who work in services can have good conversations and build connections to co-pro wellbeing.
Read MoreThis report is based on an evaluation of The Food Train in terms of its economic value, and was commissioned by Community Food & Health (Scotland).
Read MoreA new book examines the role and development of asset-based approaches across three key policy areas in Scotland today.
Read MoreThis study examines the experiences of older people with high support needs involved in support based on mutuality and reciprocity.
Read MoreAn Information Booklet on VOiCE - A software tool that supports practitioners to analyse, plan, monitor and evaluate community engagement.
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