Iriss - Got a clue? networking event

The theme of Co-production Week Scotland is ‘The Big Questions’ and Iriss are hosting a free event on Wednesday 20 November (9.15am-1.15pm) in Edinburgh, to support you to understand what co-production is, and how to make it happen effectively.

At the event you'll get Clued Up on:

  • How to make co-production happen

  • Using evidence for effective co-production

  • How to share your message creatively

  • A personal outcomes approach

The event is for practitioners and managers working in local authority, third or private sector social services contexts, who want to understand more about co-production, develop their current practice, and network with others interested in this way of working.

You may already be working in a co-productive way, know a little about it, or don’t have a clue!

Wherever you are with co-production, this event will send you away more informed and inspired, and with some tools to use in your practice.

More here.
