Co-Production Week Learning Event with the Life Changes Trust #CoProWeekScot

Thursday 21 November
13:30-15:30 at the
National Lottery Community Fund, 70 Wellington Street, Glasgow
Sandwich lunch available on arrival

In 2013, the Life Changes Trust received a spend-out endowment of £50 million from the National Lottery Community Fund. We fund a broad range of work that aims to transform the lives of young people with care experience, people living with dementia and unpaid carers of people with dementia, and we are committed to putting people at the heart of everything that we do. 

What does this really mean in practice? Well, on one level, it means we have meaningful conversations with people when we develop an initiative, we support people to find their voice and influence policy and practice, we plan events around the things that our beneficiaries either want to get involved in or know more about, we look for ways to involve people in our decision-making, and more. On another level, it means that we build strong relationships with the people we work with, to a point where they become a natural feature of everyday life at the Trust. 

Our co-production approach has developed over time and we're keen to celebrate what's worked. We also want to be honest about the things we've learned because we know that co-production isn't easy. We believe that it is, however, worth the effort! 

This learning event will focus on the co-production approach that the Trust has taken with our Advisory Group, who work with the Trust on our Young People with Care Experience Programme. On the day we will:

  • Share reflections from Advisory Group members and Trust staff on the work and role of the group, with a particular focus on the Aspirational Awards initiative designed and delivered by the group.

  • Make recommendations and pose big co-production questions for funders to consider.

We hope this event offers a great opportunity for funders to speak directly to young people about their experiences of co-production. Most importantly, we genuinely believe that co-production leads to better funding practice and we want to encourage funders have an open discussion about some of the opportunities and challenges you face.

We hope you can make it! 

Please enter your details below. We’ll get back to you soon with more information.


Sign up here - for people who work for funders only
