Examples of co-production
See what co-production looks like.
In this blog, Pegs Bailey, National Third Sector Employability Partnership Engagement Manager, shares how taking a co-produced approach to planning employability commissioning strategy and infrastructure in Fife has led to better services.
Stevan Sutherland describes how trust is essential in the co-productive process, reflecting on the co-production of a stigma toolkit which supports practitioners and families to take a more stigma-free and inclusive approach to delivering services in Scotland.
Thom Stewart from An Áit Eile Cooperative shares a number of principles that are helpful in understanding co-production as an ethical approach to working with other people.
Yesmin Begum shares her insights into the Health Literacy Project that she is involved in as a member of the Katie’s Team, a women’s health advocacy group in London.
Michelle McBride, Volunteer Engagement Officer at VOX Scotland reflects on making co-production work and embedding these principles in their work. Voices of Experience (VOX) is Scotland’s mental health collective advocacy charity run by and for its members.
In this blog, Niamh Smith from Health CASCADE reflects on her experiences at our August Ideas Clinic and on some of the challenges involved in creating an evidence-based training package which can truly help people to plan, govern, and conduct co-creation projects.
In this blog, Zsara McEwan from Glasgow Council for the Voluntary Sector (GCVS) reflects on the creation of a co-design remuneration and rewards policy which was co-designed as part of a wider project which aimed to change the way family support services are procured and designed.
Developed with the With Us, For Us Lived Experience Project Group (LPEG), this comprehensive set of resources from the Scottish Recovery Network provided an opportunity for people living with trauma and/or who have been given a diagnosis of personality disorder to share their experiences of services and their ideas for change in a suite of co-produced resources.
Health CASCADE is a Europe-wide research project that focuses on co-creation and is tasked with developing a set of guidelines and tools, grounded in evidence, to help researchers work with individuals and communities to improve health and wellbeing.
This catalogue of co-production has been created as part of Nesta’s People Powered Health programme which ran from 2011-13. People Powered Health was a practical innovation programme, to explore how co-production can support people living with long term conditions.
This web resource describes some useful case studies of co-production undertaken by Mind and provides helpful links to further resources and discussion.
‘Include For Good’ is the Scottish Commission for People with Learning Disabilities’ (SCLD) programme for change.
In this blog, Jen Dalrymple from Capability Scotland shares learning from an innovative project using co-production to develop a housing community for individuals with additional and complex needs in Perth.
This blog by Emma Pauley for Edinburgh Psychoeducation Intervention for Children and Young People (EPIC) is a really helpful look at some of the barriers faced by people with lived experience to engaging in meaningful co-production.
A new research article explores the role of co-production in the context of three local hospitals.
East Dunbartonshire Advisory Clinic set up to address the issue of an aging population in the the area, based strongly on the principles of co-production and involving both statutory and voluntary organisations in reshaping care.
This case study of Coventry City Council, produced by Governance International, shows what can be achieved by a strategic approach to ‘early help’ embedded in co-production with families and partnership working with other agencies.
‘Weigh to Go’ (WTG) is a community based weight management project which aims to engage with adults who would not normally access mainstream weight management or leisure services.
Emma Barrett Palmer is a freelancer who works with people to solve complex problems. Her new venture is humanKINDER which focuses on real world social innovation.
Social Care Institute for Excellence (SCIE) have published a list of care examples on Co-production from England, Wales and NI, titled ‘Co-production in social care: What it is and how to do it'.
A series of resources around co-production and its importance in delivering services in the context of England and Wales and the Care Act (2014).
Each study visit highlights the work of five organisations who are working across Scotland on a range of different work around co-production.
Interviews with local mums in Tayside highlighted that women needed simple, practical help and support and that it was important to make time available to respond to these concerns.
Co-designing a pathway to self-directed support for people who have mental health problems.
The Lochside Neighbourhood Group is a multi-partnership regeneration forum with representatives from the voluntary sector, business sector, faith groups and the public sector.
Unlocking the value of youth services through co-production.
East Dunbartonshire Council and partners have developed an innovative response to the challenge of delivering dementia care to the ageing local population.
‘Healthy Communities: Meeting the Shared Challenge’ was a Scottish Government funded programme running from 2008 to 2010 that aimed to encourage and support community-led approaches to health improvement throughout Scotland.
FNP is a programme from the USA which has been identified by NESTA as a clear example of a 'co-produced service'.