Weigh to Go!

‘Weigh to Go’ (WTG) is a community based weight management project based in the Dunterlie area of Barrhead in East Renfrewshire, which aims to engage with adults who would not normally access mainstream weight management or leisure services. 

The programme is based in one of the areas of highest deprivation in East Renfrewshire, where community profiles identify significant levels of health inequality.  The project is co-produced by the group members along with staff from East Renfrewshire CHCP Health Improvement Team.   Members of the group have designed the project to meet their needs with health improvement input from East Renfrewshire CHCP.  This has resulted in a range of activity such as healthy eating activities, exercise opportunities linked to members needs, social links and members have developed the confidence to access and influence local service provision.

Staff from the CHCP Health Improvement Team worked with this community to co-produce a pilot weight management project based on the needs identified by the community.  Links were made with existing local networks to raise awareness and engage people from the community, who were involved at all stages in the design and delivery of the pilot. 

You can read the full case study here.