What's your hope for co-production?

Earlier this year we asked SCN members to fill in a short ‘Co-pro Check in’ to help us think about the work of the network this year and what issues or themes we could be focusing on.

You can read the full responses below, but we also asked what you hopes for co-production were. Here’s what you said!

My Hope for Co-production…

  • That it will improve the lives of people

  • That we work much more collaboratively with communities to develop strategies/policies and make decisions together

  • That people with a learning disability get more of a say in services provided for them

  • That this can really be taken seriously as a positive way to work and barriers that prevent this happening can be removed at all levels

  • That we can use it to include children and young people in creating services for the future.

  • That it leads to increased participation and sharing of information across SG

  • That people are genuinely involved in decision-making and developing solutions not just asked for their views on existing services.  

  • That it stops being niche and becomes more routine and normal

  • That it is quality driven

  • That we co-produce the needs of our grassroots communities

  • That the efficacy for those with lived experience of poverty to change public policy will be improved, with more becoming leaders of change.

  • That it will take participation somewhere broader and more mutual than mere engagement.

  • For it to become further embedded into practice across Dundee.

  • That services take it seriously and stop calling very limited consultation co-production. That people understand what co-production means.

  • That it is realised and becomes 'business as usual' rather than an academic/nice to have/hard to achieve ideal!

  • That finding ways of engaging members of the public with the design, conduct and dissemination of genetic and cancer research - all with the goal of generating mutual benefit by enhancing the quality and socio-economic impact of this research.

  • That we can transform how we design and deliver public policy in Scotland. To stop wasting money and meaningfully improve impact for people policy aims to support

  • That it is valued by partners, funders and practitioners and embedded in everything we do.

Download the full* survey responses here.

*Note": we’ve only included results from people who agreed for us to share what they said.
