Poverty: Our Hidden Shame Resource Pack - Launch event

The launch of a new interactive resource pack for young people that explores the impact of poverty in our local communities.

To explore the impact of poverty in local communities, Glasgow City Health and Social Care Partnership South Health Improvement Team worked, Plantation Productions, The Gal Gael Trust and Oxfam Scotland worked in partnership with the young people at Create Crew to deliver a youth-led participatory action research project. 

The result of the project was a youth-led documentary film “Poverty: Our Hidden Shame?” which was short-listed at BAFTA for the AHRC Inspiration Award 2016.

To support the film a resource pack has since been developed by adapting sessions from the Health Issues in the Community training programme. 

The new resource encourages learners to explore further some of the issues raised in the film such as: what is poverty, who’s in poverty, beliefs about poverty, poverty and understanding inequality by using participative exercises, group discussions and digital approaches.

Wednesday 20th November, Glasgow. Sign up here.  
