Co-pro Week Learning Event 2024: How do we embed co-production across Scotland?

Wednesday, 20th November 2024, 10am - 12:30pm, online

This learning event will bring SCN members together during Co-production Week Scotland to explore how we can meaningfully embed co-production into how services and support are delivered across the country.

We know that co-production can be a transformative way of working: doing with, not to, in a way that can improve outcomes and support that meets people's needs by having them shape what services look like.

But, in a time of reduced resources and stretched capacity, how do we ensure that co-production isn't forgotten, or seen as something 'nice to have', but not essential?

With those delivering services facing intense pressure, and our communities facing increasing challenges, what can be done to ensure we keep the rhetoric up with the reality?

That's where embedding co-production comes in.

This learning event will explore what structures, systems and, crucially, resources needed to cement co-production as a way to advocate for the value of lived experience, and shift the balance of power in decision-making.

We'll also be introducing the new Co-production Guide, a new resource developed from SCN members ideas that's currently being finalised.

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