Blog and events top tips for #CoProWeekScot

As part of Co-production Week Scotland 2021 we've brought together some top tips for ways you can get involved in the week.

From writing a blog to running an event - or something totally different - we want to hear your insights and ideas about co-production.

Top tips for writing a Co-pro blog 

🗣 Find the personal angle 

Blogs are meant to be informal, personal accounts of your work. It's all about sharing your insights, and the lived experience of everyone involved.

➡️ Focus on the learning 

What was the outcome? How did things improve? What would you do differently? These are all great questions to get started with the sharing your co-pro stories

💬 Keep it short 

It's not as easy as it sounds, but a short blog with even just a few key insights can be really powerful - and help others looking for ideas.

📰 Have a snappy headline 

It's a good idea for people to understand what they're reading just from the headline (and it's something we can help with too!)

✍️ Use sub-headings 

Sub-headings help to break up your piece and help people know what you'll be covering.

Top tips for running an online event

🥅 Have clear event goals

What do you want to achieve by the end? Group discussions? Information sharing? Development of a new group?

👩‍💻 Choose the right platform

Whether it's Teams or Zoom, go with what you, and the people involved, find easiest to use.

Plan your content

Are you inviting contributors? Want to include breakouts? Creating a programme and plan for the session can make things a lot easier.

☕️ Build in regular breaks

We've found events are better if they're under two hours and have plenty of breaks to help people take a minute (and grab a cuppa!)

🥳 And have fun

It's all about bringing people together!

To write a blog or run an event as part of the week click here.


Get involved
