Co-production Week Scotland 2024: Embedding co-production

18th - 22nd November 2024

This year Co-production Week Scotland is focused on how we embed co-production as the way to deliver services and support across the country.

We know that common values, peer support and shared learning can be instrumental in enabling co-production to make amazing differences to people’s lives. But how do we ensure this work leads to real, lasting change?

Throughout the week we'll be examining the structures, systems and, crucially, resources needed to cement co-production as a way to advocate for the value of lived experience, and shift the balance of power in decision-making.

As funding becomes ever more scarce and insecure, it's more important than ever that co-production is championed and supported – especially by those making critical funding decisions.

During the week we’ll also be launching the Co-production Guide - a new tool to help define, deliver and embed co-production.

Key questions for the week

  • How can we advocate for co-production to ensure it can be transformative and lead to genuine change?  

  • What needs to shift across the policy landscape if we're to see co-production embedded as long-term approach?  

  • How do we show that co-production works, and what needs to change from funders and commissioners about how it is evaluated? 

Get involved

Co-production Week Scotland is all about network members contributing their ideas, experiences and learning.

We want to hear from you about the work you’re doing, or if you have any answers to some of our key questions.

In past weeks our network members have organised events to mark the week, published blogs and resources, and shared some fantastic case studies of co-production happening on the ground.

If there’s something you’d like to contribute to the week, drop us a line using the form and we’ll get back to you.

If you’re not a member of our network, you can sign up to receive our latest news and updates on the Week and everything co-pro!


Contact us about the Week