CoProWeekScot 2021:
The Future of Co-production
in Scotland.

22nd - 26th November 2021


We hope you enjoyed Co-production Week Scotland 2021!
See what happened during the week


Co-production Week Scotland is about bringing people together to share ideas, learning and stories about how co-production puts people and communities at the heart of the support and services they’re part of.

This year we looked ahead to what's next for Scotland. We wanted to bring people together and build on the lessons of the last 18 months - and beyond - to help us co-design what the future of co-production looks like.

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A decade after the Christie Commission, we wanted to think again about what 'with, not to' means, using the knowledge and learning of co-production practitioners like you to think about what’s next.

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What happened during the week.

The week was a chance to face up to the challenge of how we can use co-production to build a more flexible, less risk-averse way of working - where we can increase participation, build new alliances and enable lasting and meaningful change in our communities.


To do that, we explored issues like:

  • Covid recovery – capturing, building on innovation and enterprise in the community

  • Power – getting towards more equitable power relations

  • Lived Experience – what exactly is it, how do we recognise and value it?

  • Co-pro in Health and Social Care

  • Co-pro, economic and social well-being and climate change


It was nothing if not ambitious, but we were delighted to have the Co-pro Week Planning Group, and all SCN members, working together to develop the week and identify the big issues that matter.


Join the Network and get involved.

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Find out more about all of our activity be becoming a member of the Scottish Co-production Network - it’s free and open to everyone.