Event: Science Ceilidh - How can we move co-production online to support more community-led culture and wellbeing?
How can we support co-production to support more community-led culture and wellbeing?
And by going online and digital through lock-down, what new opportunities, challenges and barriers does this bring us?
Join our live conversation with Samantha MacDougall (ONFife Libraries), Ane Del Ferrero from St Andrews Fair Saturday and a member from the Scottish Co-Production Network to discuss how we can move to effective co-production with communities online to still achieve social impact across culture and wellbeing.
Part of Co-Production Week Scotland.
Culture & Wellbeing Live: How can we move co-production online to support more culture & wellbeing? Join now with Samantha @onfifelibraries @FunPalaces , Ane @FairSaturday, @SCDC_Sam @ScotCoPro & @fiddlebrain @SLIC1991 #CoProWeekScot https://t.co/0m5dvpOX2E
— Fun Palaces Scotland (@FunPalacesScot) November 19, 2020