Scottish Government #CoProWeekScot events

Scottish Government colleagues have organised a series of internal events focused on building knowledge, awareness and capacity around co-production within government.

You can read about the events below - please note these are internal events only.

Intro To Co-Production In Scottish Government

As part of this year's CoProWeekScot 2021 find out what co-production is all about. We will be going over the basics and looking at the 'why' of co-pro, as well as answering questions, and sharing learning and case studies.

Inclusion in participation: sharing power and creating space

As part of this year's CoProWeekScot 2021 come along to find out about the challenges in creating inclusive and empowering spaces for participation and some of the tips and tools for overcoming common challenges.

Planning co-production: Participation Framework and other tools

As part of this year's CoProWeekScot 2021 we will be sharing tools and approaches to planning co-production and deliberation, including the Participation Framework, and learning from service design and community engagement.
