100 Stories of Co-production

Short films to help you spread the word about co-production

You can use any of these short films wherever & whenever you want, as tools to help you get the message across about what co-production means.

The films take you inside different co-production experiences in Scotland. The aim is to:

  • inspire

  • provoke conversation and discussion

  • show ‘warts and all’ of co-production

If you or your team are facing challenges, you’re not alone. Grit is an inevitable part of the process.

These films were developed by coproductionscotland.org.uk, the Ingage team at Scottish Government, the ihub in NHS Healthcare Improvement Scotland, and social enterprise film-makers mediaco-op.net. 

‘Created by conversation’

Meet a mixed bunch: a former prisoner, a civil servant, a manager from Virgin Trains. Who better to come together to work out a solution to the intractable problem of getting a job after prison? 

“The normal rules were out of the window. When you can bring private, public and third sectors together, you have a level of creativity which you don’t working in your normal boundaries” says Damien Henderson of Virgin Trains.

This film is to: 

  • show that private, public and third sectors can co-produce together

  • reassure anyone doing co-production that culture clashes are a normal part of the process

  • explain how co-production creates new solutions that none of the partners could have done on their own

‘Better chance than that’

90-second glimpse into the gobsmacking amount that people recovering from addition contribute.

A reminder that social change only really happens when ordinary citizens on the ground get directly involved. It's what co-production is all about.

‘My Opinion’

"They go over the top you, and you think, what's wrong that they're no asking my opinion?" Jamie, a parent with learning difficulties from People 1st , tells what it feels like when citizens aren't taken into account in service design and delivery. A reminder of why we co-produce.

‘The F Word’

The four-letter word beginning with F is Fail. No-one likes admitting to failure. Bert Sandeman is brave enough to confess that Dundee Council failed in an attempt to co-produce with local parents. The crucial lesson is that facing up to the failure created the space to learn lessons and co-produce better the next time. When co-production's a new approach, don't expect to always get it right first time.

‘Rocky Road’

“The Community Centre was going to be bulldozed. We couldn't allow that to happen” says Community activist Sharon Smith "The whole process has been a learning curve - not just for us, but for the Local Authority as well." Angela Graham, from East Ayrshire Council admits "I had to let a wee bit of my own inner control freak go."